

Dental Mirror

Dental Mirror (Mar - Jul 2023) Newsletter Highlights

Dental Mirror (Mar - Jul 2023)

Dentistry Embraces 4th Industrial Revolution
NUS Open House 2023
Restorative Workshop Series 2
Geriatric Dental Training
Dentalliance workshop
The Future of Regenerative Endodontics by Prof Jacques
Commencement 2023
BLOOMS Discovery Series 2023

Dental Mirror (Oct 2022 - Feb 2023) Newsletter Highlights

Dental Mirror (Oct 2022 - Feb 2023) Newsletter

Tribute to Associate Professor Jennifer Neo
5th Edmund Tay Mai Hiong (ETMH) Distinguished Speaker Programme
Class of ’71 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Alumni Return for a Visit
Donor Appreciation Night 2022
DentAlliance Symposium
Graduate Diploma in Dental Implantology (GDDI) Graduation Ceremony 2022
Universitas Airlangga Visits the Faculty
SkillsFuture-funded Workshop
ITI Study Club Workshop for Alumni
Dental Mirror (Jan - Sept 2022)

Dental Mirror (Jan - Sept 2022)

Professor Patrick Finbarr Allen’s Farewell
SkillsFuture Singapore Funded Workshops
Class of 2022 - Commencement
Alumni Dinner 2022
Parents' Webinar: A Head Start for Healthier Teeth
My First Skool Oral Health Outreach
Dental Mirror Issue No.31 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No. 31

FOD Research Day
IADR 2018
UROP Day 2018
13th Faculty of Dentistry Symposium
22nd NUS Clinical Dentistry Symposium
2nd Edmund Tay Mai Hiong Distinguished Speaker Programme
Oral Health Awareness Roadshow

Dental Mirror Issue No.30 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.30

UROP Day 2017
13th Faculty of Dentistry Symposium
NUS Service Day
PAYM Fit Fun Fruits 2017
Queenstown Oral Health Screening
NUS Oral Health Screening and Exhibition
Alumni Reunion Dinner
Graduate Diploma in Dental Implantology Graduation Ceremony
19th FOD Awards Day

Dental Mirror Issue No.29 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.29
12th NUS-SDA Distinguished Speaker Programme

FOD and Health Promotion Board Sign Agreement for Student Clinical Training
Annual Staff Party 2017
Visit by MOH Perrmanent Secretary

Dental Mirror Issue No.28 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.29

UG Ethics Forum
Class of 85’ 30th Anniversary Reunion
Project Sabai 2015
Joslin Sunstar Diabetes Education Initiative Symposium
Dental Mirror Issue No.27 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue 27

Highlights - 85th Anniversary Celebrations
Recognition of our Dedicated Teachers
Visitors to Faculty of Dentistry


Dental Mirror Issue No. 26 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue 26

Tribute to our Teachers
Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards
FOD Alumni Reunion Dinner

Dental Mirror Issue No. 25 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue 25

Project Sabai 2010 & Project Sabai-Lokun 2011
Dentistry’s Got Talent– AY2011/2012
Class Of ‘81 Raises $180,000 For Bursary
The 61st Dental Society Annual Dinner and Dance 2011
Upcoming Event
New Staff

Dental Mirror Issue No. 24 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue 24

A Daughter Pays it Forward with Gift to Faculty of Dentistry
SEAADE and IADR SEA Division, 19 - 21 September 2010
Inaugural Faculty of Dentistry Alumni Reunion
Gems Award
Upcoming events


Dental Mirror Issue No. 23 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue 23

Deans Message
Appreciation Lunch for Past Dean
Opening of New Building

Dental Mirror Issue No. 22 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue 22

Faculty of Dentistry 80th Anniversary Celebrations

Dental Mirror Issue No. 21 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No. 21

Launch of the National University Health System (NUHS)
Getting International Exposure in Education
HMDP Visiting Experts 2008
3rd Faculty of Dentistry Symposium

Dental Mirror Issue No.20 Highlights

Faculty of Dentistry Alumni Mentorship Scheme
New Faculty Staff
Student Exchange Programme
Alumni Spotlight - Dr Choo Teck Chuan

Dental Mirror Issue No.19 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.19

Interview with our new Vice-Deans
2nd Faculty of Dentistry Symposium
HMDP visiting Expert 2007
Prof Monty Duggal, 7th NUS-SDA Distinguished Speaker
Signing of MOU with School of Stomatology, Peking University

Dental Mirror Issue No.18 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.18

Centre for Advanced Dental Studies (CADE)
Exercise Sparrowhawk II
Student Exchange Programmes

Dental Mirror Issue No.17 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No. 17

Our New Vision and Mission
Under Scrutiny - International Advisary Panel Visits Faculty of Dentistry
NUS Centennial Open House

Dental Mirror Issue No.16 Highlights

Inaugural Faculty of Dentistry Symposium
NUS Centennial Celebrations
Commencement 2005
Freshmen 2005

Dental Mirror Issue No.15 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.15

Disaster Victim Identification for South Asian Tsunami
Faculty Retreat 2005
NUS Open House 2005
Spotlight on Alumni

Dental Mirror Issue No. 14 Highlights

75th Anniversary Celebrations 17 - 19 September 2004
Freshmen Orientation 2004
APDSA 2004

Dental Mirror Issue No. 13 Highlights

Faculty of Dentistry 75th Anniversary Celebrations
Heritage Corner
Spotlight on Alumni
Student Exchange programme

Dental Mirror Issue No. 12 Highlights

Continuing Professional Development - Places to Look
Special message from Dean of Dentistry
Commencement 2003

Dental Mirror Issue No. 11 Highlights

SEADDE : Short History and Significance of the Association
Fiesta on the Ridge 2003

Dental Mirror Issue No. 10 Highlights

Focus on Dental Alumni
1st NHG Scientific Congress
Faculty 5th Awards Day
Commencement 2002

Dental Mirror Issue No. 9 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No.9

Opening of New Extension and Facilities and of Faculty of Dentistry
New Chairman of FERC's speech
Global Dental Education Congress
Dr Lo Geok Lam's Retirement

Dental Mirror Issue No.8 Highlights

Dental Mirror Issue No. 8

Commencement 2001
Faculty Awards Day 2001
Fiesta At The Ridge
Dinner and Dance 2001

Dental Mirror Issue No.7 Highlights

Message from the New Dean
NUS Outstanding Educator Award - A/Prof Lim Lum Peng
BDS Honours - Interview with Dr Marlene Teo

Dental Mirror Issue No.6 Highlights

Millennium Lecture
5th Clinical Dentistry Symposium
Commencement 2000

Dental Mirror Millennium Issue

Dental Mirror Issue No.6

Dental Mirror Millennium Issue

70th Anniversary Celebrations

Dental Mirror Issue No.5

Dental Mirror Issue No.5

Dental Mirror Issue No.5

The Clinical Dentistry Examinations
Faculty Research Day

Dental Mirror Issue No.4

Dental Mirror Issue No.4

Dental Mirror Issue No.4

Faculty of Dentistry Research Report

Dental Mirror Issue No.3

Dental Mirror Issue No.3

Dental Mirror Issue No.3

Dental Faculty Revamps Internet
Minister for Education RADM Teo Chee Hean visits the Faculty of Dentistry on 25th November 1997

Dental Mirror Issue No.2 Highlights
Dental Mirror Issue No.2
Dental Mirror Issue No.2

Charting New Frontiers with a Revised Dental Curriculum
Tutorials online in the near Future

Dental Mirror Issue No.1

Dental Mirror Issue No.1

Dental Mirror Issue No.1

Problem-Based Learning
Postgraduate Orthodontics at NUS - An Update